.. title: About .. slug: index .. hidetitle: True .. date: 2016-05-26 08:11:02 UTC .. tags: .. category: .. link: .. description: .. type: text

Accounting and finance automation

A full range of accounting and finance automation services - from process analysis to database design to web-access

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Process analysis

Understanding the what - the object of automation - is crucial. Process analysis helps to structure the task, using tools like IDEF or other well recognized data modelling tools.

Database schema

Database schema design provides a conceptual overview of required tables, data fields, relationships between fields and data types. A properly designed schema can be used with any database platform.

Platform selection

There are many automation platforms which offer sometimes overlapping set of features at different prices. Selecting a well-suited for the task platform can be a daunting task.

Platform configuration

All automation platforms require configuration. The availibility of large user base for a platform may make the configuration process less costly, where a re-use of existing software libriaries is possible.

Staff training

Automation projects offer certain clear benefits to organizations. But they also tend to require learning of new skills by staff. Availibility of resources to train the staff is important for the success of such projects.

Long-term support

Organizations evolve, often outgrowing their existing processes. It is important to support this process by incrementally adjusting the existing automation resources.